American Heritage 100 :: Fall 2006 [/\\] BYU

my student notes and resources from amh 100 at byu. i can make mistakes, so corrections are welcome.

use 'search this blog' above to search through my notes.

as an international student, i don't know much about american heritage either.

Midterm Review: TERMS

Lists/Key Concepts/Important People/Important Events to know

[starting sept11]

The human predicament

Locke's 2nd treatise of govt
A State of nature- all men equal, with same rights to life, liberty
B Infringement on rights- voluntary agreement to form govt, a "social contract"
C Govts purpose- protect rights of citizens
D Govt exists by consent of the governed by which it gaims legitimacy
E If goct violates terms of contract (fails to protect people rights) it can be overthrown through revolution

Divine Right of Kings

4. Four alternative styles of government
A. Autocracy
B. Classical Republicanism
C. Libertarianism
D. Liberalism

founders tool kit  | ancient examples    | modern examples             
1. structure | monarchy, feudalism | 3 branches,checks
& balances
2. participation | athenian democ | represent democ
3. law | 10 commandments | rule of law
4. custom and trad.| july4th | precedent
5. moral sense | 10 commandments | slavery
6. founding myths |divine right of kings| columbus-ledbygod
7. leadership | chinese dynasty | president

Political economy

Christopher Columbus

John winthrop


The Glorious Revolution
Oliver Cromwell

Boston Massacre

5 Principles of the Rule of Law you need to know:
1. Generality: laws must apply to people in general, not discriminate against individuals or groups
2. Prospectivity: Laws cannot be ex post facto: they cannot apply to actions that took place before the law was enacted
3. Publicity: Laws must be well known and consistently enforced
4. Consent: Those subject to the laws must give their consent to them, either directly, or through elected representatives
5. Due Process: The legal process must be impartial, regular, and well established to ensure fairness

Rule of Law

Commonwealth Party (Whigs)
Court Party

Supply And Demand

Adam Smith

boston massacre

indentured servant

miracle of exchange

comparative advantage

declaration of independence

samuel adams

boston tea party

george washington

american revolution



[know basic english history 1600-1800]
[know basic american history 1600-1800]

[ending oct13]


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