Oct 6, 2006: Lab
Supply and demand for ticket prices to a concert
Demand (buyer)
Supply (seller)
Supply and Demand (together)
where supply and demand lines meet is the price and quantity of equilibrium
Law of Demand: as price RISES, people buy LESS
Law of Supply: as price RISES, suppliers want to supply MORE
If price is too high, there will be a surplus because less people want to buy it.
If price is too low, buyers will want to buy more than the suppliers want to supply (due to scarcity)
Price meets at equilibrium
Slavery example
with increased demand
(D) shifts to right, so equilibrium price increases
with increased supply (of slaves)
(S) shifts to right, so equilibrium price decreases
Opportunity Cost
- The best foregone alternative
- Opportunity cost for attending lab?
- Opportunity cost of NOT attending lab?
opportunity cost is the next best thing
If I sleep, I am giving up work/study
if becky makes 1 cell phone she gives up the opportunity to make 4 keys
if becky makes 4 keys she gives up the opportunity to make 1 cell phone
Comparative advantage (in terms of opportunity cost)
Becki has cheapest OC in making keys (OC is 1/4 cell)
Moses has cheapest OC in making cell phones (OC is 2 keys)
Miracle of exchange:
Specialize in whatever you have a comparative advantage in
Comparative Advantage: A product you can produce at the lowest opportunity cost
Key concepts from today:
* Supply and Demand curves
* Comparative advantage
* Opportunity cost
* Miracle of exchange
Midterm (test) #1 October 16th-19th
-Monday and Tuesday are FREE Days!
-Wednesday 18th $5 late fee
-Thursday 19th $7 late fee (start taking it by 11am)
Midterm (test/exam)
-multiple choice
-short answer
Reviews in the review room (13th of october)
Supply and demand for ticket prices to a concert
Demand (buyer)
150 | | \
100 | | 50 |--------| | | \
25 | | | | +--------|--------------- Quantity
Supply (seller)
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
| /
+----------------------- Quantity
Supply and Demand (together)
$ (S) (D)
150 | \ /
| \ /
100 | \ /
| \ /
50 |-------/| | / | \
25 | / | | / | +--------|--------------- Quantity
where supply and demand lines meet is the price and quantity of equilibrium
Law of Demand: as price RISES, people buy LESS
Law of Supply: as price RISES, suppliers want to supply MORE
If price is too high, there will be a surplus because less people want to buy it.
If price is too low, buyers will want to buy more than the suppliers want to supply (due to scarcity)
Price meets at equilibrium
Slavery example
$8 | \ /(S)
| \ /
$6 | \ /
| \ /
$4 |-------/| | / | \
$2 | / | | / | \(D)
+----------------------- Quantity
20 40 60 80 100
with increased demand
(D) shifts to right, so equilibrium price increases
$8 |\ \ /(S)
| \ ->\ /
$6 | \ \ /
| \ / \
$4 | /\ | / \-> \
$2 | / \ | / \ \(D)
+----------------------- Quantity
20 40 60 80 100
with increased supply (of slaves)
(S) shifts to right, so equilibrium price decreases
$8 | \ / /(S)
| \ / /
$6 | \ / ->/
| /\ /
$4 | / / | / / \
$2 | / ->/ | / / \(D)
+----------------------- Quantity
20 40 60 80 100
Opportunity Cost
- The best foregone alternative
- Opportunity cost for attending lab?
- Opportunity cost of NOT attending lab?
priority | activity
# |
3 | Attend Lab
2 | Work/Study
1 | Sleep
4 | Testing center
opportunity cost is the next best thing
If I sleep, I am giving up work/study
Moses can produce Becky can produce/day
----- -----
3 cell phones 1 cell phone
6 keys 4 keys
if becky makes 1 cell phone she gives up the opportunity to make 4 keys
if becky makes 4 keys she gives up the opportunity to make 1 cell phone
O.C. of keys = 1 cell
4 key
OC of cell phone = 4 keys
OC of making 1 key = 1/4 cells
OC of cell = 2 keys
OC of key = 1/2 cell
Comparative advantage (in terms of opportunity cost)
Becki has cheapest OC in making keys (OC is 1/4 cell)
Moses has cheapest OC in making cell phones (OC is 2 keys)
Miracle of exchange:
Specialize in whatever you have a comparative advantage in
Comparative Advantage: A product you can produce at the lowest opportunity cost
Key concepts from today:
* Supply and Demand curves
* Comparative advantage
* Opportunity cost
* Miracle of exchange
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